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Sustainable South Hams main meeting


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August 3, 2022

Sustainable South Hams held an open meeting to share the interim results of our ‘Reaching Out’ programme, launch our new website, and to discuss the barriers to and solutions for groups and councils achieving their nature and climate ambitions.

The meeting was held on the 7th July 2022 and had an excellent turnout, with more than twenty interested group leaders, councillors and others joining the conversation.

Operations Director Jane Nichols led the meeting, explaining the role of Sustainable South Hams in connecting, supporting and inspiring local nature and climate action.  You can see Jane’s presentation here.

A significant part of this work has been the creation of our new website. Meeting participants were introduced to the website and encouraged to offer their feedback, so that Sustainable South Hams can continue to build on this resource and ensure that it serves the needs of sustainability group leaders in the district.

Attendees were asked to discuss in small groups what barriers they had come across in achieving their ambitions. Our ‘Reaching Out’ programme has suggested that these barriers fall into three broad categories: engagement and resources; skills in groups; and ‘system’ resistance.

The groups then went on to discuss how Sustainable South Hams could help in overcoming these barriers through - for example - the website project database, a Parish Council engagement programme and a group leader support programme.

Following this great discussion, participants were encouraged to help Sustainable South Hams in continuing to build and develop. If you were unable to attend, but could help us in this, please do:

  • Give us your suggestions on who to talk to at
  • Ensure your parish and group information is up to date by completing our website forms
  • Add a project by completing the website form

It was fantastic to see so many people from a variety of backgrounds who are enthusiastic about engaging their community and making a difference.