Discover local nature and climate groups and find out what your community is doing to reduce its carbon footprint and promote nature.
Wilder Communities advice; Wilder Communities Award (coming soon); Wildlife Gardening Award
Habitat Review in progress, which has mapped the land owned or managed by the Parish Council, made suggestions for changes to the maintenance schedule and made suggestions for habitat enhancements. This will not only enhance the biodiversity of the area, but should also represent a year-on-year saving to maintenance costs. SusDit are members of DCEN - Devon Community Energy Network
We protect mature trees in Parish Conservation Areas and trees with Tree Protection Orders (TPOs) on them. Also involved in lobbying SHDC on the importance of trees in planning.We are affiliated with the Tree Council who run the Tree Warden scheme nationwide.
Devon Living Churchyards Project encourages churches to support wildlife
The Gara Water Vole Reintroduction Project is an exciting reintroduction project
Providing tools to help people understand their own carbon footprint